In Evidenza / Highlights

La nuova cultura della gestione dei conflitti nella società globalizzata
F.P. Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano
Sabato 13 Novembre ore 9.00
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Intervista a Davide Berruti
"Telegrammi", numero 348 del 19 ottobre
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Teaching mediation. EUTOPIA-MT: conflict management through digital worlds
The new book about EUTOPIA-MT project
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Ora basta !!!
Laboratorio sulla gestione costruttiva
dei conflitti e delle relazioni di R. Tecchio
Roma, a partire da Ottobre 2010
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Call for students at University of Trieste
MA for International Peace Operators
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In Evidenza / Highlights
Archivio / Archive 2010
Archivio / Archive 2009

Archivio / Archive 2008
Archivio / Archive 2007

 Kurds in Europe
from asylum right to social rights

From the preface by Davide Berruti:
"The idea to study the condtions and the level of social integration of Kurdish exiles in Italy, first arose four years ago, when President Ocalan, who had come to Italy from Moscow aroused the affection and the solidarity of the hundreds of thousands of Kurds living in Rome, in Italy and in the whole Europe. In these difficult, dramatic and intense days which moulded and shaped all future developments with respect to the Kurdish question, we as Europeans and Italians especially, witnessed an extraordinary and inexplicable (for those who do not know the Kurds) mass mobilisation. we alsa saw cases of humanitarian and strong relations of solidarity between Itaian and Kurds, who were shown to be living in conditions of poverty right under the nnose of the international media" .

Research financed by European Commission - Employment and Social Affairs DG
Authors: Davide Berruti, Eyyup Doru, Eva Erle, Francesca Gianfelici, Khaled khayati.
Associazione per la Pace, Roma 2002  



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